Warehouse Gallery "Yuri's Night" exhibit
April 11, 2009
My inner geek and inner artist united for this exciting one-night-only show and party in honor of Russian Cosmonaut, Yuri Gagarin.
What is Yuri's Night?
April 12, 1961 Russian Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin embarked on the historic first manned space flight.
Twenty years later on April 12, 1981, the US launched the first space shuttle flight.
Every year on April 12, Yuri's Night parties are held all around the world; it's like the Cinco de Mayo for space.
For more about the show, schedule of events and preview of the artwork, please visit:
On the Eighth Day, God Created Life on Mars
Oil on Canvas
Putting a New Face on the Morning Commute
oil on canvas
Photos from the show: