Dana Ellyn   www.danaellyn.com

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Tight Fit
Dana Ellyn exhibits at
The Dunes Gallery in Washington, DC
March 2012

Tight Fit Group Show
March 9-April 8. Opening reception Friday, March 9th 6-9pm.

Small spaces are the inspiration behind an exhibition by eight DC based artists. In "Tight Fit", opening at the Dunes Friday March 2nd at 7:30 pm, art lovers can view new and unusual works by eight DC artists. Many urban citizens frequently find themselves making the most out of limited space. See that theme played out in this affordable works show of small paintings, on display until March 28th.

When & Where: 3/2/12-3/28/12. OPENING RECEPTION: Friday, March 2nd, 2012. 7:30 - 10:30 p.m. at The Dunes Gallery, 1402 Meridian Place, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20010.

The Artists:
Chris Bishop
Scott Brooks
Jared Davis
Anna U. Davis
Dana Ellyn
Emily Greene Liddle
Matt Sesow
Andrew Wodzianski

Photos from the Tight Fit Opening Reception at The Dunes
(click photos to enlarge)

Artists from left to right: Chris Bishop, Scott Brooks, Anna U. Davis, Emily Greene Liddle, Dana Ellyn, Andrew Wodzianski, Matt Sesow, Jared Davis