Dana Ellyn   www.danaellyn.com

A Word is Worth a Thousand Pictures
Dana Ellyn exhibits at
Garner Narrative in Louisville, KY
August-September 2012

A Word is Worth a Thousand Pictures
August 3-September 29
Opening Reception: August 3, 2012
Second Reception: September 7th 6-9pm

"A Word is Worth a Thousand Pictures" is an exhibition by independent Washington DC artist Dana Ellyn. Art is her way of telling stories with themes as varied as religion, feminism, politics and pop-culture. Dana's paintings are at once playful, morbid, endearing, ironic, menacing, and intoxicating. She presents a body of work inspired from her well-read focus on literary classics, progressive view on current events, and folk art influence.

The works included in Ellyn's exhibition represent the artist's uncanny focused dedication to planning, plotting, and executing unique paintings. Dana Ellyn's process involves a lot of study, a lot of quiet ... door closed. She credits her childhood, spent mostly alone and in solitude, as the foundation for the works she creates today.

Dana Ellyn is a Washington, DC based artist who has painted full time for over 10 years. She graduated from the George Washington University with a degree in Art History and Fine Art in 1992. She has exhibited throughout the United States and abroad, most recently in Baltimore, Maryland; Barcelona, Spain; Norfolk, Virginia; Casablanca, Morocco; Westhampton, New York; and Washington DC.


Photos from the "A Word is Worth a Thousand Pictures" opening